Nothing is more critical to a school district’s ability to provide high quality education than its employees. For this reason, labor and employment law has always been at the forefront of our practice. Every day we help schools with the practical management of personnel issues, including investigations, implementation of union contracts, and compliance with the complex laws regulating fair employment practices. Our attorneys have also prioritized collective bargaining skills as a critical service we provide as general counsel. Since the advent of collective bargaining for public school employees, we have successfully negotiated nearly one thousand agreements using both traditional and interest-based models of bargaining and developed productive relationships with bargaining units in all regions of the state.

Collective Bargaining
Impasse Resolutions and Strikes
Grievances and Arbitrations
Evaluation, Probation and Nonrenewal
Misconduct Investigations
Discipline and Dismissal
Disability Accommodations
Leaves and Benefits
Reduction in Force

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